The Bible Study Hour

The Bible Study Hour

The Case of Father Abraham
Dr. James Boice on 10/22/2024


The Law Upheld by Faith
Dr. James Boice on 10/21/2024


The First Contrast: Righteousness and Sin
Dr. James Boice on 10/20/2024


Think & Act Biblically

Tuesday: Sin and Its Origins

In verse 4 the apostle defines sin as lawlessness and says that everyone who commits sin is guilty of it. This is not the most comprehensive definition of sin that might be given, but neither is it “somewhat superficial,” as one writer has indicated. By lawlessness John naturally recalls thoughts of

Monday: Three Contrasts

In conversation with those who are not yet Christians, Christians are often puzzled by the fact that the other person sometimes professes to believe all that the Christian believes, yet also believes things that seem, at least to the Christian, to be incompatible with Christianity. For example, the

Friday: A Purifying Hope

That day of Christ’s return will see the perfection of God’s eternal purpose concerning His chosen ones. Here F. F. Bruce writes brilliantly: These first two verses of 1 John 3 celebrate the accomplishments of God’s eternal purpose concerning man. This purpose finds expression in Genesis 1:26, where