The Bible Study Hour

The Bible Study Hour

The Long Suffering God
Dr. James Boice on 09/13/2024


The First Excuse: Morality
Dr. James Boice on 09/12/2024


How Low Can You Go
Dr. James Boice on 09/11/2024


Think & Act Biblically

Thursday: Propitiation

Second, although the word “propitiation” is used in biblical writings, it is nevertheless not used in precisely the same way it is used in pagan writings. In the pagan rituals the sacrifice was the means by which a man placated an offended deity. In Christianity it is never the man who takes the ini

Wednesday: Christ, the Righteous

The second term used by John of Jesus is "righteous." Indeed, it is this word rather than either "advocate" or "propitiation" which is emphasized. In what sense is it used?The second term used by John of Jesus is “righteous.” Indeed, it is this word rather than either “advocate” or “propitiation” wh

Tuesday: The Work of Christ

This is the principle of 1 John 2:1-2: forgiveness in advance for any sin that might ever come into our lives. This is God's promise, and it is given to us precisely that we might not sin. God is not shocked by human behavior, as we often are; for He sees it in advance, including the sins of Christi