The Bible Study Hour
thinkact_qklktp on 09/12/2024

Thursday: Propitiation

Second, although the word “propitiation” is used in biblical writings, it is nevertheless not used in precisely the same way it is used in pagan writings. In the pagan rituals the sacrifice was the means by which a man placated an offended deity. In Christianity it is never the man who takes the ini

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 09/11/2024

Wednesday: Christ, the Righteous

The second term used by John of Jesus is "righteous." Indeed, it is this word rather than either "advocate" or "propitiation" which is emphasized. In what sense is it used?The second term used by John of Jesus is “righteous.” Indeed, it is this word rather than either “advocate” or “propitiation” wh

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 09/10/2024

Tuesday: The Work of Christ

This is the principle of 1 John 2:1-2: forgiveness in advance for any sin that might ever come into our lives. This is God's promise, and it is given to us precisely that we might not sin. God is not shocked by human behavior, as we often are; for He sees it in advance, including the sins of Christi

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 09/09/2024

Monday: God’s Promise

Nothing that John has written thus far can be taken as an endorsement of sin. But it is possible that some might misunderstand his statements and thereby reach that conclusion. Has he not argued that all men sin? “Well,” they might argue, “if sin is inevitable, why struggle against it? You will sin,

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 09/06/2024

Friday: The Third Denial

The application of this section of John's letter must be to each man or woman individually. John has contrasted the nature of God ("God is light") with the nature of man; and he has begun to show the characteristics of those who walk in the light as opposed to those who walk in darkness. It is not e

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 09/05/2024

Thursday: The Second Denial

In yesterday’s study we looked at the first result of walking in the light, which concerns fellowship with other Christians.Second, John says that the one walking in the light will find the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ available to him for continued cleansing. At first glance this seems a contradi

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 09/04/2024

Wednesday: The First Denial

John's definition of God as light is followed by a denial of three false claims in which the reader is probably right in hearing an echo of the erroneous teachings of John's Gnostic opponents. These men claimed to have entered into a higher fellowship with God than was known by most other Christians

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 09/03/2024

Tuesday: Two Ideas

In biblical thought two special ideas are associated with the image of light, however. First, the image generally has ethical overtones. That is, it is a symbol of holiness or purity as well as of intelligence, vision, growth and other realities. This is apparent several times in John’s Gospel, as w

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 09/02/2024

Monday: God Is Light

What is God? John answers: "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." This statement is John's first great thesis, leading naturally into much of the material that follows. In this section of the letter John presents his thesis (both from a positive and negative perspective), deals with three

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/30/2024

Friday: The Twofold Objective

At the conclusion to yesterday’s study, we saw that the first word used to describe how the Gospel is shared is martyrein, which originally denoted the bearing of testimony in a court of law.Second, John says, we “proclaim” what we have seen and heard to you. On the surface this verb seems much like

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/29/2024

Thursday: The Christian Proclamation

The third channel through which John gained knowledge of Christ was touch, for he tells his readers that the apostles had “touched” Him, adding “with our hands.” This is the most intimate experience of all. Westcott says that “there can be no doubt that the exact word is used with a distinct referen

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/28/2024

Wednesday: Seeing with Understanding

The second channel through which John gained knowledge of Christ was the eye, for the apostle says that he and other apostles “have seen” Him. Of all the sense words used by John in this preface—hear, see, look upon, and touch—this one was apparently the most important to John personally, for he rep

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/27/2024

Tuesday: Objective Evidences

In yesterday’s study, we ended by drawing our attention to the phrase “the word of life” and mentioning the way this might be understood at first glance. We said that we would tend to interpret it as “the life-giving Word” or “Christ who gives life.” There are several reasons for questioning this f

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/26/2024

Monday: The Essence of Christianity

A number of years ago, in preparation for a discussion period on a Christian radio program, an interviewer went onto the streets of Philadelphia to ask people this question: “What is Christianity?” The answers were surprising. Some said that Christianity was “the American way of life.” Others called

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/23/2024

Friday: John’s Major Themes

What, then, are the major emphases of John's first letter for ourselves and our contemporaries? There are five of them. The first message of John is his insistence upon the truth and value of the old message of the Gospel as opposed to new or modern alterations of it, such as would change its chara

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/22/2024

Thursday: The New Commandment

The third purpose for the writing of 1 John is to explain or elaborate upon Christ’s new commandment: “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another” (John 13:34). This verse, from the thirteenth chapter of John’s Gospel, is included in the midst of a narrative of the events that took

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/21/2024

Wednesday: A Historical Faith

The second purpose that John had in writing his letter is related to the first one, but it is rightly considered a distinct purpose, in that by it John was dealing with a new and dangerous movement in his day and was warning Christians about it. The movement was what today we would call an early for

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/20/2024

Tuesday: Three Tests

The first is the test of practical righteousness in the believer's life. It does not mean that the Christian must be without sin—indeed, John says that the one professing to be without sin deceives himself and makes God a liar (1:8, 10)—but it does mean that he must be progressing in righteousness s

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/19/2024

Monday: Christian Assurance

I want to begin a brief but entirely new series of studies of 1 John. And to begin with I want to look at the purpose for which 1 John was written. It is possible to read a book without understanding the purpose for which it was written. Indeed, much reading is done on this level by many persons. Bu

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/16/2024

Friday: A Glorious Transformation

Yesterday, we ended by wondering how the brothers might respond to the silver cup being found with Benjamin. How might they try to save themselves? What story would they perhaps make up to tell their father? Thanks to the work of God, none of these thoughts was now in the brothers’ minds. Years befo

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/15/2024

Thursday: Defeat Is Victory

In yesterday’s study, we concluded with the idea that before forgiveness and cleansing can occur, Jesus must first reveal to us the depth of our sin and the reality of our impending judgment. When a person is exposed to this divine logic for the first time, it sounds wrong. It sounds as if a person

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/14/2024

Wednesday: Their Guilt Uncovered

Look at these men as the steward begins to search their sacks. Study their faces. Here is Judah, proud of his integrity. Here are Reuben and Levi, confident that their word will again be vindicated. See their confidence grow as the bundles are systematically opened beginning with the sack of the old

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/13/2024

Tuesday: An Unexpected Turn

To understand Genesis 44 we must put ourselves in the brothers’ shoes as they started out from Egypt that final morning. They had gone to Egypt with gloomy apprehensions, fueled perhaps by the even gloomier apprehensions of their father. The last time they had been in Egypt, the prime minister had b

t thinkact_qklktp
thinkact_qklktp on 08/12/2024

Monday: Self-Confidence Broken

We have been looking at the work of God in the lives of Joseph's sin-hardened brothers. Twenty-two years before these events they had sold their innocent and unsuspecting brother into slavery, and all the years since then they had lived with their terrible secret. No one knew—not Jacob their father,

t thinkact_qklktp